Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Mystery Box!

         October is all about Pumpkins in Kindergarten!  This month we will be learning all kinds of neat things about pumpkins!  Today I introduced it to the kids in our Theme Study Mystery Box! 

         Earlier today I placed a pumpkin in the mystery box.  I wrote four clues and gathered the kids around on the rug to read them. 

         Clue Number 1:  It is round.
         Clue Number 2: It has a stem.
         Clue Number 3: It grows on a vine.
         Clue Number 4: It can be many colors.

Now after giving them time to think I asked the class for their ideas on what might be in the box.  I got a lot of great and interesting answers and we wrote them on our class anchor chart.  Take a look below!

After we brainstormed ideas on our class chart we all went back to our seats to complete our worksheet.  The worksheet asked the kids to draw what they think the object in the box might look like.  After we got done we all came back to the rug to share what we had drawn.  All the kids worked really hard on their drawings of the object!  After everyone had shared I read the clues again one more time.  I asked if anyone’s ideas may have changed.  No one changed their answer.  I asked the kids for a drumroll and I pulled out the Pumpkin!  They were all so surprised.  This is a lesson I’m going to enjoy doing them for every theme unit!  Take a look at our mystery box and clues below!

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