Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Fire Safety Week!

Today we got to have a presentation from the Orrington Fire Department!  They allowed us to come outside of school and see their fire truck and gear, as well as teach us about the duties of a fire fighter! All the kids got to climb into the fire truck and put on the headsets that the fire fighters wear to communicate while they are driving.  Everyone got to feel like a real fire fighter! 
This week is fire safety week.  Take time to discuss with your kids about the importance of fire safety!  Sit down together to create a family escape plan from your home in case you were to ever have a fire.  Talk to your kids about the importance of always having two ways out of your home and a family meeting place.  Make sure your kids know how important it is to stay low during a fire, and to check all doorways before opening them.  We will be discussing in class why we should be checking fire alarms once a month, how to call 911, and how to stop drop and roll.  These conversations are always important to have!  Take the time to make sure your Kindergartener is an expert on Fire Safety! 

Here are some pictures from today! 

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! You have your hands full with all these kiddos :) Thanks for taking the time to update us and share pictures.
